Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Think Act Vote Futures Project

At the end of 2011 it was great to do a couple of illistrations for the Futures Project by Think Act Vote. The Futures Project is an inspiring book they are publishing. In the book, insightful interview responses and stories will be presented alongside the work of visual artists, designers, illustrators and photographers, and will feature among some leading thought pieces. 
The final book will be published in Spring 2012 and will available to buy in limited edition. We're also planning to present both the project and book to the British Prime Minister and leading politicians, to raise awareness of a new collaborative and creative future.
Anyone can contribute to the book by doing a Futures Interview (examples - Think Act Vote also publish the interviews online and include a bio and links so they promote you and your projects in the process of sharing. The link to take part online here -
You can read my Futures Interview here!
Link to Think Act Vote's New Year Blog Post on why we ask these questions - 
Think Act Vote is crowd funding for this book so if you would like to make a contribution or spread the word on this too, that would be very appreciated! Link here -
Every week in 2012 Think act Vote are sharing online one of the illustrations that have been submitted for the book - you can see the first one of mine published here.
 I illustrated Shibin Vasudevan’s Future which is one “where the word waste ceases to exist in our dictionaries.” and also Lucy Siegle's Future which is: "I choose a future….where we’re reacquainted with the politics of equality and want to get involved. One where we’re no longer satiated with cheap goods made on the back of exploited workers in the developing world, trapped in poverty. There are lots of progressive pockets like this already, we just need to roll it out!”

Think Act Vote on twitter - @thinkactvote #FuturesProject
on facebook

Shibin Vasudevan's Future 'No More Waste' © 2011 Maria Papadimitriou aka Slowly The Eggs

Lucy Siegle's Future 'Progressive Pockets' © 2011 Maria Papadimitriou aka Slowly The Eggs

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